We will schedule a time to help you complete your admissions paperwork within the first 24 hours. You are welcome to bring any additional questions regarding your insurance benefits and your stay at this time or at any time while you are in the center.
Active medical insurance card and Medicare / Medicaid cards
Pharmacy (Part D) Prescription coverage card
Driver’s license or photo ID card
Social Security Card
Advanced Directives Do Not Resucitate (DNR) paperwork
Power of Attorney documents (medical, financial, durable)
Guardianship paperwork
Your hospital physician communicates medication and treatment orders at the time of your hospital discharge. These orders will be implemented to help provide continuity of care. Upon admission, the interdisciplinary team will work with you and your family to identify care needs, preferences, and goals for your stay. You are a valuable partner in the process. Within the first few days of your stay, you and your family will be invited to participate in a care planning conference to discuss needs, discharge planning and progress toward goals.
When in Doubt…Reach out! We want to hear from you.
If you have customer/employee concerns or are uncertain about a legal, ethical, financial, quality or employment issue, please report your questions or concerns promptly:
Please talk to a supervisor or manager
Please talk to another member of the management team or someone from human resources
Please request from the Administrator or Human Resources Director to talk to someone from the company executive team and they will connect you OR
For legal, financial, ethical, quality company compliance and any other customer / employee concerns, please call the toll-free Company Compliance Line at 1-888-585-4122 and someone will get back to you within 24 hours.
Report may be made anonymously. Report fearlessly. Retaliation is not permitted.